Sunday 22 March 2009

Intoxicated In Fashion..

I was/am sitting here in my garden, in the warm sun, drinking tea and eating toast when it suddenly dawned on me. I am fully intoxicated in the world of fashion. It seems so awful when im sitting here peacefully to think about how the world of fashion manipulates people to a state of depression and no self worth. Personally this has not happened to me so far but its a tough industry and anything can happen. I understand fully that you have to be strong minded to carry a strong fashion career but what happens to the few that really cant handle the pressure? As a model i see how girls get ripped to shreads daily by people calling them fat, not tall enough, not right for this agency and i see how much this industry really does affect young girls. Im not going to go into this whole debate on weight in the fashion industry but i am aware that fashion is a strong factor in the cause of anorexica in young girls and women. Im feeling an article coming on.

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